6 Ways to Stay Busy While Your Husband is Deployed or on Temporary Duty Assignment

We all know, no matter what our relation is to a man in the military, that at one point or another we will face separation either from deployment or training. This is never a fun or pleasing thing to think about, but it is something that we can endure. First and foremost, we know that we have Christ to rely on during these times. Which is amazing and definitely needed! But there is another thing that we can do to help during these periods of separation.


One of the biggest pieces of advice that I have received when dealing with being apart from my husband is to stay busy. Not only does it help pass the time quicker, but it keeps you from having idle time to fill up with depressing thoughts about not being with your husband.

How do you stay busy though? There are many ways to fill up your time with meaningful and good things.


  1. Get a Job

This will be one of your most time consuming options. Chances are, you are in an area that have many job opportunities. You can obtain a part-time gig at a retail store or go full-time at an office. But the beautiful part about living during this time period is the vast use of technology. I have always run into the problem that I won’t be anywhere long enough to find a stable job. But how do you do that when you’re constantly moving? Get a job online. Help bookkeep for someone or be a virtual assistant in the comfort of your own home. The options are nearly limitless.


  1. Join a Bible Study

This is HUGE! No, it doesn’t fill up your time as much as a job would, but it definitely reaps more benefits than a job. You get to study God’s word while also meeting incredible women. No matter how long you are staying in one location, joining a bible study is one of the best things you can do. And the nice thing about bible studies is that they are pretty much everywhere. Join one in your church or join one through an organization. Regardless, get involved in a bible study.


  1. Meet Consistently with Friends

Establish one day in the week when you and a friend can meet up for coffee or dinner. This helps you to stay connected with the people around you. There is great fellowship to be found in these get-together’s. It’s a great time to pray together or laugh together. And it’s something to look forward to every week. Pray for God to put someone in your path to mentor, encourage, or just be a listening ear. Meeting consistently with someone is a great way to be intentional about your faith in Christ.


  1. Explore, Explore, Explore

The cool thing about being a military wife is that you have the opportunity to see many places. Each place you’ll go to more than likely has something different to explore, outdoors or indoors. There are bound to be some hiking trails. God’s beauty is always worth checking out. There may be some unique coffee shops that aren’t found in other towns or cities. If you’re out in the middle of nowhere, explore the base (or post, etc.). I know there are things that, if I had only explored earlier, would have been great for me to utilize during our time in one particular area.


  1. Volunteer

There are always places to volunteer where you’re at: animal shelters, the city, schools, etc. Like a job, this is a great way to fill up time, even if it’s 5-10 hours a week. I have found that many volunteer positions are only needed for around six months. Chances are that you and your husband are going to be located in a certain area for at least that many months. Plus, there’s nothing better than helping your community. (And it’s a great way to share your faith).


  1. Choose a Book of the Bible to Study

As hard as it is to be apart from our husbands, it opens up a great opportunity to spend time getting to know the Word of God. Choose one book of the Bible and spend time learning it, meditating on it, and studying it. Choose either a couple little books or a big book. As I said earlier, the number one best thing we can do is rely on Christ. Spending time in His Word is a great way to rely on Him, learn about Him, and trust in Him.


Before I got married, I heard many times that it’s harder to spend time with Christ because you’re not single anymore. You’re placing a lot of focus and time on your husband and, eventually, kids. In many cases this is true. I don’t want to say that there’s no time for Christ when you are married, and it is definitely no excuse for not spending time with Christ. But there is the reality that things get busier when married and taking care of kids. But one of the benefits of being a military wife is that there will be a lot of time to spend with Christ when you’re husband is gone. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS! There are so many amazing ways to grow in Christ during this difficult time.


So stay busy and be bold because before you know it, you’ll be seeing your husband once again.

Lets be friends!

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  1. Nancy Bullock
    February 23, 2018

    Some other good things to do are to take advantage of the MWR office on the nearest base or post. There are usually tons of activities, including hobbies, exercise classes, local tours that they can inform you of that are usually discounted. Maybe take some classes, learn the history of the area you are in, learn to cook dishes that are common in the different places you may visit or live in, learn a new language. There are lots of fun things that you can do as a military spouse that many women may never have the opportunity to do.

    1. Brittany
      February 23, 2018

      These are great ideas! I didn’t even think of the MWF office. Thanks!


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