When to Find Time to do Your Bible Study: Single Women

Though Proverbs 31 is painting a picture about a wife and a mom, it is still extremely important to understand as a single woman. And it is just as important to find time to do your Bible study when you are single. Whether you’re in college or working a full time job (or both…aaahhhh!!!), there is still time to spend with the Lord.

When I was in college and working, there were many times where I felt like Sunday was the only day that I could make time for a Bible study. It helped that many others in the same boat made time for it too. The real challenge was trying to find time between everything else during the week. But trust me, it can be done.

A big piece of advice I have for you is to pray about it. Ask the Lord when He wants you to spend time with Him. We are all wired differently and have different attention spans at different times of the day. I also found it helpful to pray for a desire to do my Bible study.

Disclaimer: It’s easy to sit here and write about all the different times to do your Bible study, but it’s not always as easy to just sit down and do it. I’ll be the first to say that there are days when I am lacking the ability to do my Bible study during any one of those times written above. There are times when I simply don’t want to do my Bible study or feel like I’m too busy to do so. But I have learned that those are the best times to push myself to spend even 10 minutes doing something with the Lord…anything. It is a daily battle with ourselves, but I know that even amongst our brokenness, we can push ourselves.

So here are some times during the day when you can spend time with Christ.


Before you go to work or before you go to school.

-Wake up 15-30 minutes before you normally would and use that time for a one-on-one with Christ. Moreover, it’ll help set your heart and mind right before you go about your day.

During your lunch break or between classes.

-This is something that I wish I had taken more advantage of. There are at least 15 minutes between each class that can be used to do your Bible study. Most of the time people are on their phones waiting for class. But you can put that time to better use than just staring at your phone.

-For work, use your lunch break to spend with God. Not only is this a great time for you, but it’s a great way to open up opportunities for your coworkers to see Christ working in you.

After dinner or right before bed.

-Sometimes the only free time available is during the time between the end of work/school and bed. That’s okay! This is a great time to reflect on the day with God, spend time in His word, and prepare for the next day.


When you’re single, you are responsible for you, just you. This is a good thing! You aren’t at a stage in your life where you are a wife who is responsible for helping your husband and you aren’t a mother caring for little kids. Many times, this is depressing because single women look forward to these stages. But be patient my friend. Use this amazing opportunity to serve God and learn about Him with the free time you do have and with the responsibilities you aren’t given yet.

So remember that there are plenty of moments to find time to do your Bible study. Like I said earlier, pray about what time is best. The important part is that we try to find time each and every day, even if it’s just praying.

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