Digging into Proverbs 31: Intro

This new section is called “Digging into Proverbs 31.” I thought it’d be really good to go verse by verse and dig deeper into what it means to be a Proverbs 31 woman. Each post will be designated to one verse of Proverbs 31, going in consecutive order. Just remember, the Proverbs 31 passage...

What is a Proverbs 31 woman?

-Virtuous -Trustworthy -Hard worker -Wise -Fears the Lord -Good -Of noble character -Skillful -Knowledgeable -And so many other qualities! Sounds like a lot to live up to, right? Many times I read this passage and become overwhelmed with everything I have to do, to check off, to be a Proverbs 31 woman. BUT! Here’s...

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