Digging into Proverbs 31:14 – Having a Willing Heart to Going the Extra Mile

“She is like the ships of the merchant; she brings her food from afar.” Proverbs 31:14

It took me a long time to understand what this verse means and why it’s included as an attribute to a woman who fears the Lord. But after studying it, I finally get why God has placed it in His Word. And it is my hope and prayer that after reading this post, you will have a good understanding of it too. So we’ll start off with looking over some reasons why it’s a good thing to bring food from afar. Then I’ll get into what attribute this verse is revealing in the Proverbs 31 woman. And finally, I want to give you some practical ways that you can “bring food from afar.”

Pros: Bringing Food From Afar

Before I give my list of pros to bringing food from afar, take a moment to write down your own. Think about what benefits would come from this rather than seeking closer food. What’s the importance of food from far away? 

Now that you’ve written your list, here’s what I wrote down:

-there’s a larger choice of food

-there may be certain food items that are necessary for the health of her family elsewhere than in their own land

-it might be more cost effective

-it shows the Proverbs 31 woman’s dedication and willingness to go the extra mile to find the best for her family

Having the Willingness to Go the Extra Mile

I want to camp out on that last point: the willingness of the Proverbs 31 woman. In this time period, it was a woman’s responsibility to go out and get the things her house needed. Sounds a little like today too, huh? Whether you’re a stay at home mom, a working mama, a military wife, or a single lady, you’re probably going to the store quite often to make sure your family and your house has what it needs. But how many times have we gone with groaning and complaining? How often do we get impatient just thinking about all the people that are at the grocery store right now? We probably complain a little more than we should…

But the Proverbs 31 woman is not just willing to go to the closest market to fulfill her family’s needs. No, she’s willing to go out far to bring back items that will meet every.single.need. And she goes in abundance, like the ships (notice it’s plural) of the merchant. She goes trying to find the best thing for her family at the best cost. How many of you enjoy using the occasional coupons because you know it’s saving some money on the items you need and will definitely use? It feels good, doesn’t it?

How the Proverbs 31 Woman’s Willingness Relates to Fearing the Lord

Why would God include this verse in His Word? What is He trying to convey to us women? What are we to learn as Proverbs 31 women, women who fear Him? We just looked at how the Proverbs 31 woman is willing to go the extra mile for her family, but how does that relate to fearing the Lord?

God calls us in many different directions in our lifetime. Sometimes what He has for us is enjoyable and easy to accomplish. Other times, we resist and fight back because we don’t want to do what He’s calling us to do. But when He calls us, we need to respond with a willing heart. When He tells us to go the extra mile for our children, our husband, our friends, the stranger needing help, the woman crying in the corner of the coffee shop, the newcomer at church, the foreigner, the sick, the difficult, and the sinner, we need to have a willing heart in response. 

Military wives, when He calls you to move halfway across the world or to the middle of nowhere for your husband, have a willing heart. Mamas, when God calls you to go the extra mile to take care of your child in the middle of the night when all you want/need is sleep, go with a willing heart. Single ladies, when Jesus calls you to stay single for just a little longer, be patient with a willing heart.

When we go the extra mile with a willing heart, when we respond to God’s calling with a willing heart, God will bless us tremendously for our obedience. And let me tell you that it seems to go a lot smoother when I go with a willing heart rather than try to fight against His plan for me. I know some of you can say the same too:)

Practical Ways to Live Out Verse 14

So what are some practical ways to live out this verse in our lives today? We are all in different seasons of life, in different times of our lives, and dealing with different situations. But there are a few ways that we can all go the extra mile with a willing heart.

-Listen to the needs of your family

-Keep a list of items to get to fulfill those needs, even if it causes you to go out of your way

-Be conscientious of the best item for the best price (don’t spend more money than you need to, even if it requires going to a further store to save a few bucks)

-Pray that God will give you a willing heart for those around you

-Write a list of how you think God is calling you to have a willing heart

-Go the extra mile when you know it will be more beneficial than if you don’t

-Be willing to sacrifice your wants and desires for others

Go With a Willing Heart

It’s easy to skim past some of these verses that we don’t quite understand how it fits with the passage. But I pray that you now understand verse 14 and see how it relates to being a woman who fears the Lord. As Proverbs 31 women, we are daily being taught how to fear the Lord and live out these Proverbs 31 woman attributes. So I pray that you will be able to apply this verse to your life, even when it’s difficult. I pray that your heart will continually be molded into a willing heart, just as the Proverbs 31 woman was willing. And I pray that you will willingly respond to God’s callings in your life, wherever He may take you.

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