My Testimony With Young Living Essential Oils

I want to share with you all about the impact Young Living Essential Oils have made in my life and my home as well as my journey through essential oils. I know it’s difficult jumping into something that seems so new and so jazzed up, but feeling a little skeptical on the side. (Don’t worry, I felt that way too!). But I know how much testimonies can help to dissipate the skepticism one may feel towards something.

So here goes!

About a year ago, I was experiencing some unknown physical pains. They happened randomly. They varied in intensity. And they varied in location. There was hardly a pattern to these pains. I wasn’t quite ready to go to a doctor because I didn’t know how to explain these things. I did get some blood work done, but everything came back pretty normal.

I talked to the ladies in my small group at the time and one particular friend offered Frankincense for advice. She told me this a few times as we prayed over it week by week. I had heard some things about essential oils, knowing that they were the up and coming rave. Typically, I’m the type of girl who keeps my distance from the “in” things until they are either a lot cheaper (so definitely like a couple years down the road) or until I know they’re safe.

My husband and I were in the midst of moving to different states as these pains continued and became worse. After I moved away from that small group, I decided to try Frankincense. However, I couldn’t initially afford Young Living. So I decided to go with a different company that sold these oils for less expensive. Even through that company, I got hooked on essential oils. I figured I would give them a try to see if they were really all that they were hyped up to be. I bought a diffuser and a few different oils. I used them when I remembered, but every time I did, I loved the smell and prayed deeply that they would work.

My pains consisted though. And I became more worried. Which caused the pains to increase. I started seeing a kinesiology chiropractor, who is phenomenal by the way, for the six months that I was apart from my husband. Within the first couple months, he suspected that these pains were stress related. What???? I wasn’t quite understanding how stress could cause these awful pains. So for the next few months, without the use of hardcore medical drugs but instead using natural supplements, we worked to get my body’s chemistry back in order.

It was a slow process, but beneficial.

I hate to say it, but I worry like crazy. I don’t know why, but I do. For as long as I can remember, I would worry about health and stress over the little things that don’t need to be stressed about. So for years, the stress and worry that I was allowing in myself was taking an immense toll on my body physically…until it finally couldn’t handle it anymore and the pains started showing up.

If you’ve ever experienced any form of stress, anxiety, or worry, you know it’s not something that you can just flip and switch to shut it off. I struggled for so long thinking that I should be able to get rid of it simply by running to Jesus with it. Don’t get me wrong, that’s the very first and important thing to do when experiencing stress, anxiety, or worry. I honestly don’t know how people go through it without Him.

But over time, I learned that it’s not a bad thing to seek out help, whether from medicine or a counselor or whatever it may be (within reason). My mom helped me to see that sometimes the struggle with stress and anxiety we deal with is something that we can’t fix on our own. Because it has something to do with our mind and our genetic makeup – which is connected to emotions, which is connected to the physical aspects of ourselves – it’s not bad to get help to conquer it. Just as you would to conquer any other sickness.

I am not a quitter!

I wanted to keep trying and keep trying before it came to the point that I had to go see a doctor to get help. I knew it was an option, but it was my last resort.

Yet during this process, the same friend who suggested Frankincense mailed me three things: a sample of Thieves cleaner (which is amazing by the way), a “Be Happy” essential oil roller, and a “Stress Away” essential oil roller. And let me tell you that they made all the difference.

I used the Stress Away roller every single day, if not twice a day. On top of that, I would use the “Be Happy” roller when I was feeling frustrated or dragged down. I don’t know how to explain how it worked, but these oils definitely helped to calm me down and at the same time lift me up. In a sense, it took the edge off. My stress, the effects of anxiety, and my moods were subtly changed to be more at peace. It sounds crazy, but it works.

I realized that God has already created all the things we need. Through His beautiful creation, we are able to bring healing and wellness to our bodies. I LOVE that He has already provided us plants for so many other reasons (food, beauty, to bring Him glory, etc.), and that now we can use those same plants to help things such as stress and anxiety, or whatever you may be going through.

Making the switch

I did more research on Young Living oils, both from other people’s testimonies and from Young Living’s process (the Seed to Seal process/promise). The oils that I was previously using, though they still helped a little, were not the best for me. After learning that Young Living’s oils are one of the best and most pure oils, not laced with other chemicals used to extract the oils, I knew that these were the oils I needed to be using. My health and wellness, as well as my family’s, is important enough to put a little extra into. The difference I experienced between the oils my friend gave me and the oils I was using was drastic enough that I knew I needed to save for Young Living.

Ever since making the switch, I have never looked back. The Stress Away roller is still something I use. With the help of these oils, the natural supplements, and my Father in Heaven, my pains are rare now. I know that they are stress related, and I am beyond thankful that God provided me something such as these essential oils to help me physically and emotionally.

Now that I’ve introduced them to my husband and my mom, they use their oils consistently too because they work for them. And that’s exactly what I want for you. I want these essential oils, the ones that are the purest and the best, to be in your daily life helping you through the struggles you face.

Whether it’s sleep issues, gut issues, anxiety, emotional fatigue, physical fatigue, spiritual fatigue, skin issues, or whatever else, there are oils out there that can and will help you just as they have helped me and my family:)

Here is a list below of oils you can be using to help whatever you may be going through:

Click here to print this handy “Essential Oil Uses” tool! Don’t worry, it’s free:)


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  1. Tina Frederiksen
    May 24, 2024


    I would love to ask where I can buy those Oil roller happy and stress free? Are they from Young Living ?

  2. Alex John
    February 4, 2020

    I love living with Essential Oils in my everyday life. But some are expensive but worth it for me.

    1. Brittany
      February 4, 2020

      They can get expensive, but the ones that are priced a little higher (like Young Living’s) reveal that the process they use is the best process for the oils and our bodies. It’s so worth it in the long run!


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